Lost battles

When you look at me you can only see the battles I've lost
The scars I have
The steps I missed
The tears I cried and the night I've spent awake
All my injuries, my failures, my cracks are on display.

You can't see the first step I took into the water
The day I pushed the door to fight back all of my demons
Even if I was still weak and unsure of the victory
And will forever remain ;
You can't see the day I stuck a needle in my thigh
My hand shaking and my eyes wetting but still trying
To walk on the scary, right path.

You can't count the pills I didn't swallow
The jumps I didn't jumped
The cars that didn't hit me
The missing scars.

All you can see are dark circles under my eyes
A redness on my left arm
My legs failing me in the middle of a step
And you assume I've already lost.

But I won
I win every time I turn my back to someone who will only stab me with their love
Even though I love them
Even though I would have died for them
I win every time I feel the panick raising
And keep on walking
I win everytime I have the courage to loose
And the wisdom to know
There are some times you have to run away.

So no, you can't read my victories by reading my body.
All you can see are the battles I've lost.
Yet, here I am.
