A storm rushed in

A storm rushed in and there is nothing left of me.
Rien qu’un grain de sable.
I want to fail on purpose so I will never have to find out if I was good enough.
Le grain de sable vibre doucement au son d’un battement de coeur.
You can do this. You just can’t right now.
Minuscule et noyé.

A storm rushed in and there is nothing left of me.
Rien qu’un miroir brisé.
I gather the dust of my old self.
Ses éclats parsèment la pièce et transpercent mes pieds nus.
It tries to escape from my fingers, but I must hold on.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais je continue de marcher.

A storm rushed in and there is nothing left of me.
Rien qu’une statue de pierre.
I raise my hands and try to reach the sky as I jump in the wind
Je dois briser sa carapace.
There is nothing I can hold on to, I’m going to fall.
Je dois la faire retourner à la lave.

A storm rushed in and there is nothing left of me.
Rien qu’un monstre noir et gluant.
I am drowning in the ocean.
Son poids est trop lourd pour mes épaules trop fragiles.
I need to keep swimming down.
Je dois me laisser tomber.
